Even few decades back people were hardly so conscious about health. They were more busy enjoying the life, they would attend dinner parties and enjoy the food served while chatting with group of friends. The things they would discuss ranged from politics to gossips but it hardly included health, diet and calories. These people knew how to relish delicious food.

But now people are too worried about health, there are health freaks who would ask a hundred questions regarding calorie count, method of cooking, quality of ingredients used before taking a bite. They have many objections and different criterion but they happen to have one common objection regarding the use of spices. They would rather have something bland than spicy.

Basically the reason people tend to stay away from spicy food is indigestion. It is a common view that presence of spices could hamper the digestion process. It is a fact that heavy food is difficult to digest but it is not fair to blame spices for indigestion. It might sound incredible but it is a fact that spices can help in digestion.

The fact is that most of the spices and herbs that we use in the cooking have some unique properties that are good for health. Our Indian spices too contain beneficial elements that help us over come health problems. Now among these spices some are very specifically used for digesting food. We are familiar with home remedies that our mothers and grandmothers used to prepare with ingredients they had in kitchen, these ingredients included spices as well.

When we are talking about digestion cumin would feature at the top of the list. It has a ubiquitous presence in Indian cooking. Cumin is good not only for enhancing taste but it is also used for digestion. Cumin contains properties like thymol, that helps in the digestion process. That is the reason we have jaljeera as it is very effective on the stomach. Sometimes light preparations too are prepared with cumin as the main spice. It is extremely comfortable for the stomach.

Ajwain or carom seeds have a very prominent presence in our cooking. It has this peppy flavor that makes a dish more appealing, it is a common practice among people here to chew raw carom seeds after lunch or dinner as the juice that is extracted in the process help us digest the food better, in fact those who are suffering from flatulence, acidity problem they should try out the carom seeds for getting relief. This spice is a natural remedy for digestion problems.

Coriander seeds too help digest food. These seeds could be chewed raw, it too works wonder for the stomach. Both coriander seeds and leaves are used in generous amount in different preparations. In both forms coriander helps to combat flatulence, it helps to give a boost to the digestion process. Those suffering from acidity problems should try benefits of coriander.

Black pepper is usually used for imparting heat and a strong flavor to the food. But this should not be the reason to avoid food that is rich in black pepper. Black pepper contains unique properties that helps the digestion process. If you have problems like flatulence then this spice is must for you.

After a heavy meal when you are feeling a bit uncomfortable just have a few fennel seeds and keep chewing. Fennel seeds too like carom seeds are popular home remedy for indigestion. Even when you eat out a plate full of raw fennel seeds are served. Fennel seeds help your stomach do its job properly. Those who have problem like constipation they should also try these seeds.

Stock these spices in your kitchen, next time you have a heavy dinner just take one of the spices to digest the food .


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